Sometimes food, sometimes fashion, sometimes just life .................................

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Thursday, 28 October 2010

A letter to Santa

Champagne coupes - I have lots of flutes but really like the idea of the glamour associated with a coupe

My Christmas wish list includes:

  • Fragments by Marilyn Monroe

  • Slinky silk jersey leopard Wildeve dress from LK Bennett

    • The Vert body lotion by Bulgari - I fell in love with this fragrance when it was the house toiletries in the Hilton Maldives Rangali, and now whenever I wear it I am transported back there - well I wish I was

    • Black knee high riding boots

    • A cream vintage cake tin

    I am going to add to this as I go along - not expecting Santa to bring them all but it might help me in the post Christmas sales.


    1. How cute is that cake tin! Hope u get ur wishes x

    2. Love the dress, make sure the cake tin is air tight .. I bought one and although it had a rubber seal it wasn't much good xx..But then cake doesn't last long here xx

    3. Hi Ruth, I have tried the dress and it is really flattering, unfortunately I should have bought it at the time - it looks to be sold out in the gold colour, and only available in red which I suppose might be nice for Christmas. You are probably right about the tin, I usually keep cakes in sealed plastic but then we forget they are there - I did buy a fantastic Nigella glass dome but am petrified of breaking it on the granite :(

    4. Lovely dress but the riding boots would be much more practical for my life.We're currently cut off with the snow!

    5. I had the dress early - but not in the gold shade, it suited me better in a new dark taupe print - still need to add all Ruth's lovely suggestions to my list too x
